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Watch has big ambitions to end isolation for people experiencing mental health difficulties. We know how connecting people with shared experiences of mental health challenges can empower each of us, which is why peer support is at the heart of everything we do. People thrive when they can maintain their own wellbeing, build self-resilience and develop skills. Supporting that journey is what Watch is all about.

We currently run our Wednesday and Thursday Projects in Chard. This is an opportunity for members to come together and form peer friendships, with the aim of reducing social isolation. Wednesdays are aimed at new members and offer a quieter space for them to come in and find their feet, get to know others and discuss with our Member Coordinator what their interests are. Members are encouraged to find their own pathway. Our ethos is Your Voice, Your Potential, Your Way. Some members enjoy coming to our weekly Thursday project which offers a variety of activities, a cooked lunch and time to chat with friends. We also have a few trips out over the year.

We are a partner in the Open Mental Health Network and are the Lead specialist in Peer Support across the county. As well as our peer development courses, we also provide a range of courses aimed at improving people’s self-confidence. Some examples are Writing for wellbeing, Social Anxiety and Cooking in the outdoors.

Locations we operate in

- 01460 712119

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