Learn with CMT Services

Committed to Improving Futures since 2002

CMT Services Ltd was founded in 2002 and have been delivering employment and skills support to our customers through local venues at the heart of our communities.  Our passionate team of professionals provide careers advice and guidance, employment mentoring and coaching as well as accredited and bespoke qualifications to support with local need and business recruitment.

Meeting Client Needs

Working with Local Businesses

CMT work closely with local businesses providing health and safety consultancy and training needs analysis. We can identify skills gaps to focus staff development and improve retention. CMT have specialised in the delivery of a range of industrial forklift and health and safety qualifications for over 20 years and are proud to be the go-to supplier of services for our clients.

Empowering Individuals for Better Futures

Quality at the heart of CMT

CMT believe in a quality service for all individuals, whether internal or external customers. To ensure that we deliver this, we are accredited to the following:

  • ISO 27001

  • Disability confident committed employer

  • Armed forces covenant

  • Living wage employer

  • Matrix

  • Cyber Essentials Plus

Our Trusted Partners

We believe in the importance of building strong relationships with our partners to ensure the best possible service for our customers. Our trusted partners are carefully selected based on their experience, expertise, and commitment to excellence.